Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Bike Build

My winter project this year is a bicycle build, since I have yet to replace my stolen Redline Conquest. It is something I have always wanted to do and now that I have the time and money set aside... I present to you the SOMA Double Cross. Here is the beginning of what I shall soon be commuting, racing, touring, cruising and all things 2 wheels on. I have been slowly acquiring parts and pieces to complete this bicycle through various sources.

The first step for me was to have my frame prepared for the build. I took my frame to the local bike shop, Velo Bike Shop, and had them do some tool specific work. They faced my bottom bracket and head tube; chased the bottom bracket and any other brazed on threads (such as the rear derailleur hanger and luggage rack mounts); and reamed the seat tube of any burrs that could damage my seat post. This is likely crazy bicycle jargon to many, but it basically removes any unwanted paint buildup from areas where perfection is needed. That is right... perfection. I cannot wait to be zippin' through traffic on this bad boy or perhaps circumnavigating the Olympic Peninsula on a multi-day trip. More to come as parts arrive!

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