Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snow & Snowing & Baselayers

so it seems it has snowed nearly every day this winter. December broke records for amount of snow in the area and January started out the same way. monthly averages were broken in the first 2 weeks for snowfall in january. craziness! but that means incredible conditions to play in. it also means incredible amounts of snow to plow/shovle/blow. we here at the bunkhouse have definitely been busy keeping the parking lot clear and the sidewalks shoveled. I am A-Ok with snow removal volunteer hours. so enjoy some (perhaps much anticipated) photos of my 2nd winter in paradise.

love and miss you all
also. what better way to celebrate massive amounts of snow then a baselayer party. a few people joined together -in their skiing/boarding baselayers- to have a few drinks and join in good company.

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