Monday, September 17, 2007

seasons change ->

as my current job comes to a close i am often reminded by numerous other factors that my job is not the only thing about to change...

. perfect weather, warm during the day and cool in the evening
. 'green to gold,' the aspens are changing colors to the vibrant gold
. snow!
. much less forest visitors in the backcountry
. close friends whom i have lived with the entire summer departing
. offseason vacations (which i have come to realize as a ski town thing)
. the town relaxes, perhaps to gear up for the long snowy winter ahead
. did i mention SNOW!

ever since i have left the world of higher education i have spent my time/life in the mountains of the roaring fork valley. initially moved out here to work as a ranger during the summer months. hiking in the backcountry, camping, and educating forest visitors on proper Wilderness ethics is what brought me to the land of beauty. did i mention i get paid to do it as well. unfortunately, or fortunately, this career path is only a seasonal position (may-september). thus i have to find another career option for the remaining months of the year, bellman sounds good. this upcoming winter will be my second year as a bellman for the Sky Hotel. not exactly down my intended career path, yet allows me to thoroughly enjoy the winters full of snowboarding and save mucho dinero. the great part about this whole seasonal life situation i am currently in is that i get to take time off between jobs, as much as i want. with that said here are a few pictures of recent events.

my office

finally saw a porcupine

reflection on a beaver pond seen during work

self portrait while hiking the four pass loop (working of course)

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